Bundle and Save with Our
Arcade packages

We have assembled two great package deals to save you time and money! Each package comes ready to entertain with an awesome assortment hand-picked from our most popular Arcade items. Each package contains two options with the ability to add additional pieces à la carte. Just give us a call for special pricing. Unfortunately with the value we’re providing with these pack ages we cannot accommodate any substitutions.
Arcade Packages
Arcade Option 1 $1,499
$270.00 Savings6 Vintage-Style Arcade Games
for up to 4 hours
Arcade Option 2
$667.00 SavingsIncludes Arcade Option 1 Plus
Anti-Aircraft VR Battalion Station
Bubble Dome Hockey Arcade game
LED Glow Billiards Table
LED Glow Extreme 8-player Foosball Table
Family Entertainment Center (FEC) Packages
FEC Option 1 $3,999
$1004.00 SavingsArcade Package Option 2 Plus:
Carnival Crane Claw Game
Lolli Pop Candy Redemption Game
Fruit Camp Virtual Coin Pusher
LED Arcade Ski Ball
LED Big Wave Air Hockey
FEC Option 2
$1301.00 SavingsFEC Option 1 Plus:
VR Roller Coaster
HTC Vive VR Experience
9 Hole Glow Golf